Tuvimos un viernes intenso de trabajo clarificando los objetivos, actividades y, lo más duro de todo, encontrar unas fechas que convinieran a todos.
Visitamos las instalaciones del colegio y asistimos a algunas clases.
El sábado hicimos una ruta turística por la zona conociendo los lugares que podrán visitar nuestros alumnos el próximo curso.
En lo que respecta a este curso el primer lugar que visitaremos será LITUANIA del 13 al 19 de marzo y la temática y actividades que trabajaremos serán:
ADDICTIONS AND RISKY BEHAVIOURS IN SPORT (science, ph. ed., English, ICT, art, history and assistant teachers)
- Meeting with experts: doping and its effects
- Research about drugs used in sport - presentation
- Research about history examples of athletes using drugs - Video collection
- Survey on sport results affected by doping
- Workshop: Sport mania, sports of endurance.
- Extreme sports and risky behaviours - focus groups
- Logo competition involving all students "Clean and balanced sport activity" - Selection and award ceremony
El segundo lugar que visitaremos será ITALIA del 17 al 23 de abril con la siguiente temática y actividades:
SPORT AND DISABILITY (ph. ed., art, history, language, English and assistant teachers)
- Survey about architectural boundaries in local public buildings and shops and other premises
- Physical education lab with with sports games such as cooperative activities and reflection on mixing different abilities and disabilities
- Focus groups on the survey with discussion about the concepts of handicapped or disabled person.
- Meetings with local sport associations of people with disability - experiences and solutions
- Final show involving local association dealing with people with disability
Aquí os dejo algunas fotos de las jornadas preparatorias: