lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015


Hoy hemos realizado una actividad muy interesante propuesta por la nutricionista y antigua alumna del colegio Mariam Figueiras. Los alumnos recibieron tres menus diferentes y  el objetivo era descubrir cual de ellos era el  más saludable . Para ello tuvieron que utilizar una calculadora nutricional, analizar, evaluar los resultados y exponer sus conclusiones; todo ello en Inglés. Una actividad completa teniendo en cuenta la taxonomía del conocimiento de Bloom:

Continuamos con las exposiciones de los paises restantes: Lituania, Gales, Portugal y España.
La mañana la cerramos con una visita guiada al colegio.Cabe destacar lo impresionados que quedaron con todo el bagaje y patrimonio cultural que conservamos, además de todo el anecdotario e historia que nos contempla.
Por la tarde contamos con la colaboración de Francisco Cagigao "Francis" que, además de ponernos al día de las privaciones y sacrificios de los deportistas de élite, nos enseñó a evaluar nuestro estado físico. Acabamos sorteando una camiseta firmada por Alexis Sánchez. Destacamos la empatia que consiguió con los alumnos, lo atento, cercano y detallista.

Gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración.

Today we have done a very interesting activity, as suggested by former school student and nutritionist Mariam Figueiras. Our students were given three different menus. The purpose was to find out which one was the healthiest. To do that, they had to work with a nutritional calculator, analyze data, assess data and present their findings, by using English as main language. It was a well balanced activity where they had to take into account Bloom's taxonomy.

Presentations from the remaining countries, Lithuania, Wales, Portugal and Spain followed through. We finished the morning with a guided visit through the school dependencies. We have to highlight how impressed our guests were with our cultural and artistic legacy, in addition to the many anecdotes and history lessons that go together with.

In the afternoon, we had the collaboration of Francisco Cagigao 'Francis' who not only told us about how hard and demanding is the daily life for elite athletes, but also how to check our current fitness level. We finished the day by holding a raffle with a jersey signed by Alexis Sánchez. We have to highlight the empathy between Francis and our students, how close he was, friendly and meticulous.

Thanks everyone for your support.

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